Listen Carefully
Does Any Of This Sound Framiliar?
Listen Carefully…
Here are some sound bites that are oddly familiar:
“crime without parallel”
“clique of ambitious, unscrupulous, criminal and stupid”
“formed a conspiracy”
“confirmation that Providence wishes me to continue my life’s mission”
“the stab in the back”
“composed of criminal elements”
“a small clique of ambitious, despicable creatures constantly tries to undermine”
“I myself thank Providence and my Creator”
“duty….to ruthlessly oppose these elements”
“shoot them on the spot”
“I take this opportunity….to greet you, joyful that I have once again been spared”
“would have terrible consequences for the….people”
“a sign from Providence that I must continue my work”
Fuhrer Adolph Hitler
Radio address delivered after the failed Valkyrie Coup
July 20, 1944